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Welcome to

Fairyland Learning Center

A Safe and Welcoming Space to Play, Learn, and Grow

Welcome to Fairyland Learning Center

2 Year Olds

Our Toddler Room is filled with opportunities for exploration and inquiry. We provide a range of activities that encourage their curiosity and imagination such as storytime, art, and outdoor play.

3-4 Year Olds

Our Preschool Room is a fun and engaging space for children to learn and play. We offer a variety of activities that support their cognitive, social, and emotional development such as circle time, science experiments, dramatic plays, and musical performances.

4-5 Year Olds

Our Pre-K Room is designed to prepare children for kindergarten. We provide a curriculum that focuses on literacy, math, and social skills. We also offer activities that promote their creativity and critical thinking such as writing, math games, and building blocks.


Our Approach

At Fairyland Learning Center, we believe that every child is special and deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. We follow a child-centered approach that encourages curiosity, creativity, and confidence. We offer a variety of activities and programs that match the interests and needs of each child, such as arts and crafts, music and dance, story time, games, and puzzles. We also help the children discover their cultural heritage and learn new languages through songs, stories, and conversations.


We are more than just a daycare, we are a family. We value the relationships we build with the children and their parents, and we work hard to create a warm and supportive atmosphere for everyone. We invite you to visit us and see for yourself why Fairyland Learning Center is the best place for your child.

Galya, Bellevue WA

"Fairyland offers a wonderful toddler and preschool program and my youngest still attends the school. They are caring, nurturing, and very positive to all the children. My kids have always been enthusiastic about attending and have made great friends through the years.  I would definitely recommend Fairyland."

Lada, Kirkland WA

"My son started at Fairyland when he turned one. Four-and-a-bit years later, it’s hard to leave it - the place became his second home and he treats his teachers as an extended family.
What I specifically like about Fairyland’s approach is the balance between education, fun, and discipline. Awesome art and music teachers in particular, and kids spend a lot of time outdoors running around being kids. 
If you want your child to grow independent, well-adjusted and kind, Fairyland is a great place for your family."

Tanya, Issaquah WA

"Over the period of 10+ years, all 3 of my children attended Fairyland. Staff is very caring , warm, and loving. Food is home made and well balanced.
Educational and arts/music programs are great, very diverse and interesting for the children and it is nice to see their artwork at the end of the day.
I can easily recommend this center to anyone with my highest confidence that it will become a 2nd loving home for any child."

Our Centers

Issaquah Center

1790 Newport Way NW

Issaquah, WA 98027

Bellevue Center

11421 NE 20th St

Bellevue, WA 98004


New! Renton Center

Coming in September 2024

Contact us


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